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Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Is Psyllium husk or isabgol safe during pregnancy

Is Psyllium husk or isabgol safe during pregnancy

is isabgol safe during pregnancy?
Isabgol has a lot of health benefits but still many people are afraid of taking it during pregnancy. Using isabgol during pregnancy is considered safe if used properly. Taking Psyllium husk or isabgol for treating constipation is common in India-Pakistan while constipation during pregnancy has been noted in half of all pregnant women and various women suffer from constipation at some stage in their pregnancy. A number of women face this issue in the entire pregnancy. 

There are many reasons of  constipation occurs in pregnancy which includes hormonal causes, lack of activity,  lack of  nutrition and fluids, lack of iron and zinc or pressure by uterus etc.  The condition usually starts in the 1st trimester of pregnancy which relieved during second trimester and again during 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

isabgol for constipation during pregnancy
Psyllium husk is generally known as Isabgol in Pakistan and India. Isabgol is skin or husk of Plantago ovato plants seeds. Isabgol is natural laxative presented and could be safely drink in pregnancy. 

Isabgol is mostly used with water and become mucilaginous as psyllium husk swells and expands in water.

The husk or Isabgol is good source of herbal fibre which passes through the intestines and treats constipation.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Nutmeg / Jaiphal benefits for skin, acne scars, pimples and marks

Nutmeg / Jaiphal benefits for skin, acne scars, pimples and marks 

Jaiphal benefits for skin acne,pimple, marks and scars
Jaiphal or nutmeg is very famous herb used for different purposes .it has wonderful effects on skin which are not very familiar. This little fruit can do wonders for human health not only internally but for your skin as well. As the spice has sweetly aromatic flavor and found in reddish-brown shell, it is used all over the world for adding flavor, aroma and extra zing to many dishes ranging from meats, stews, puddings and veggies. Skin is very important part of beauty and jaiphal can make wonderful skin definitely. It’s used for anti aging, acne scares and skin marks. Jaiphal powder makes skin clean clear, flawless and radiant naturally.

Skin Care Benefits of Jaiphal/ Jaifal or Nutmeg powder

Jaiphal as Anti-ageing Agent:

Jaiphal has an important component Macelignan which eliminates fine lines, wrinkles and skin sagging. Jaiphal offers anti ageing effect mainly on adipose tissues lying just beneath the superficial layer of the skin decreases with age. Nutmeg spice keeps the adipose tissues healthy by cutting down the reduction rate of these tissues, make possible increase of fat volume (adipose tissues) therein filling the hollow structure, and places in adipose.  Due to its wonderful properties nutmeg powder is considered as main constituent used in face firming face lifting and anti ageing serum for skin e.g. face and hands. It rejuvenates skin because of its stimulating properties, the spice restore and renew skin by getting rid of the dead cells, thus eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. Here I am sharing method of using nutmeg for skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing.

Recipe for skin and body rejuvenation:
Nutmeg/jaifal powder           6 tbsp
Cinnamon powder        6tbsp
Tub of warm water
Mix nutmeg and cinnamon powder in Luke warm water and leave it for ten minutes. When the water cools use the mixture on the face and allow it to rest for ten minutes.
2nd recipe:
Oatmeal flour                           1 tbsp
Red lentils powder                    ½ tbsp
Mashed banana                        1
Jaiphal powder             ½ tbsp
Rose water
Mixed all ingredients apply on the face and leave it for fifteen minutes. After that rinse off with regular water.

Jaiphal for Pimples, eczema, Skin Marks and Scars

This spice has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial properties which are essentials for treatment of acne, eczema, pimples and skin marks & Scares. You can apply nutmeg in following method.

Recipe for skin pigmentation, eczema, Pimples, Skin Marks and Scars:

Raw Milk                     1 tbsp
Nutmeg powder           ¼ tbsp
Mix both ingredients and apply on skin for 20 minutes and wash your face with luke warm water if you had only skin then mix jaiphal powder with water only and apply for 20 minutes.
Nutmeg uses for skin problems

Getting rid of Acne, and Skin Inflammation:

Jaiphal helps getting rid of all kind of acne issues. A natural astringent nutmeg relieves cystic and hormonal acne. The curative property of jaiphal heals sunspots and acne scares. In Herbal treatment or Ayurvedic treatment an alternative system of Medicine the spice has been highly considered for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory antimicrobial properties which help in getting rid of skin infection, unclogging blocked pores, inflammation, redness, and controlling skin oiliness. A natural astringent nutmeg relieves cystic and hormonal acne. Here is method of application

Recipe for Acne, Acne Scars, Pimples and Skin Marks:

Raw Honey                  1 tbsp
Cinnamon                     ½ tbsp
Nutmeg powder           ½ tbsp
Nutmeg mask for skin
Mix all ingredients and apply mask on face and rub it after 5 minutes rubbing leave for 30 minutes and wash your face with warm water.
2nd Recipe
Sandal Powder             2 tbsp
Pepper powder                        a pinch
Nutmeg powder           a pinch
Rose water                   ½ tbsp
Orange juice                 ½ tbsp
Mix all ingredients and apply on face ad infected areas of skin wait for 15 minutes and wash your face with normal water.

Jaiphal / Jaifial as skin Moisturizer and Exfoliator:

The amazing nutmeg powder not only treat acne and skin damage issues but also its moisturizing and exfoliating tendencies keeps skin moisturized and hydrated and cures dry and  damaged skin.
Recipe 1
Red lentils                     1 tbsp
Custard apple pulp       ½ tbsp
Nutmeg powder           a pinch
Rose water                   few drops
Milk                             few drops
Mix all ingredients make paste and apply on skin start rubbing it for 5 minutes rubbing leave for 20 minutes and wash your face with water. It will make skin smoother and softer.

Jaiphal for smooth and fair complexion:

Other than lots of skin benefits of jaiphal it makes skin smoother brighter healthier and fairer. Here are few recipes and skin masks which are easy to use
Oatmeal flour               1 tbsp
Wheat flour                  ½ tbsp
Mashed banana                        1
Jaiphal powder             ½ tbsp
Mixed all ingredients apply on the face and leave it for twenty minutes. After that rinse off with regular water.

Jaiphal/Jaifal or Nutmeg Properties:

Nutmeg is an oval shaped seed of a tree known as ‘Myristica Fragrans. The specialty of the tree is that it produces two different spices on the same tree. This evergreen tree belongs to the family of Mysristicaceae. The tree is native to Moluccas, in Indonesia, the tree produces a fleshy fruit alike an apricot. But, on maturity the fruit breaks into two halves to reveals a reddish-brown shell beneath that has a solitary seed inside. When shell is cracked and opened, it exposes a dried brown-colored seed, which is actually the sweet spice the nutmeg used in various cuisines of the world.
Nutmeg properties

Other uses of Jaiphal:

Nutmeg or jaiphal powder is used widely in the food processing industry for seasoning, sauces, soups, meat, curry powders and spice mixes. The volatile oil extracted from the leaves and barks of the tree through a steam distillation process is used in different perfumes and pharmaceutical products. Jaiphal is used to improve sleeping habits, indigestion, pain relief etc. Nutmeg butter extracted from the seeds is used in expensive cosmetics and beauty products which is an excellent alternative for cocoa butter, particularly in most beauty products and cosmetics.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Homemade indian ubtan urdu recipe

Home made Indian Ubtan recipe in Urdu/Hindi

Here I am going to share easy ubtan recipe. home made ubtan is used for glowing fresh and flawless skin.By regular use of Ubtan you can improve your skin complexion easily without any side effects. Ubtan also reduces facial hairs here is Ubtan recipe in Urdu

Saturday, 1 March 2014

DIY homemade tea tree oil face toner recipe

DIY Homemade tea tree oil face toner recipe

Tea tree oil is very helpful for treatment of skin problems like acne, Zits and pimples. it's natural antiseptic and Anti-inflammatory properties make it best option for treating skin issues especially acne breakout.
Organic or pure tea tree oil                   5 drops
Distilled or purified water                      ¼ cup
Bottle or glass jar
Method or recipe:-
Mix purified water with pure organic tea tree oil and preserves it in bottle and store in fridge. Shake bottle well before applying it you can apply it daily

Tea tree oil is helpful for acne treatment so this will cure acne you can increase or decrease organic oil by one drop according to your skin problems and sensitivity 

Home made Lemon juice toner face acne scars

Home made Lemon juice toner face acne scars
Lemon works as astringent for skin and skin cleanser. Lemon toner helps to fight dark complexion dark spots and acne and acne is simple excellent recipe of lemon skin toner.
Pure lemon juice                  5 tsp                            
Distilled or purified water     4 tsp
Bottle or glass jar
Method or recipe:-

Mix purified water with pure lemon juice (you can increase lemon juice if you have acne prone skin) at this time keeps it in bottle and store in cool place or fridge. Shake toner before applying take cotton ball deep in toner and apply on skin. It’s suggested to start with small quantity of lemon juice (if you have sensitive skin) then increase concentration and you can apply it thrice a week

Home made Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) face toner recipe

Home made  Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) face toner recipe

Have you tried apple cider vinegar for skin toning? Yes you can use it apple cider vinegar natural product it works amazing for skin toning and acne treatments. But it’s important to use pure organic natural apple cider vinegar with mother for best result what is apple cider vinegar with mother its little different from apple cider vinegar we are using in our kitchen. Apple cider vinegar you are using for skin must have mother I am not saying mama actually mother of vinegar is the naturally occurring enzymes which make it unclear that are just found in pure, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. That’s why you need apple cider vinegar with mother for the healing benefits.
Apple cider vinegar toner treats acne dark spots and uneven skin. 
Here is home made apple cider vinegar face toner recipe:-
Pure Apple cider vinegar with mother            5 tsp                            
Distilled or purified water                                  7 tsp
Bottle or glass jar

Method or recipe:-
Mix purified water with pure Apple cider vinegar with mother you can decrease vinegar if you have sensitive skin to 3- 4 tsp. now keeps it in bottle and store in cool place or fridge. Shake toner well before applying it apply it on face with cotton ball. Its recommended Start with small amount of vinegar then increase concentration until ratio goes fifty fifty. You can apply it daily

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Indian ubtan for reducing facial hair plus skin whitening

Indian ubtan for reducing facial hair plus skin whitening

Indian Ubtan for reducing facial hairNo one like to have hairs on there face especially women are more worried for facial hairs however due to hormonal changes there are some chances of growing hairs on face. Everyone wants to get rid of facial hairs therefore they apply many products and tricks. These products can cause hair growth instead of hair reduction it’s very important to understand how to treat or remove facial hairs without any side effects you can reduce or remove facial hairs with ubtan scrub.
Natural and home made products are always safe. Regular use of these products can bring remarkable results. Indians ubtans are very famous these ubtans can be used as face wash, scrubs and mask this depends on ubtan' s ingredients that how it can be used ubtan scrubs helps to reduce hair growth as well as it removes hairs from roots but it takes time it could not be happen in a night that you apply ubtan and all hairs are permanently removed so you need to have patience and regular for positive results

Ubtan scrub Ingredients:

Red lentils (masoor dal)                                    100 gms
Orange peel powder                                         50 gm
Unsalted pistachio                                             75 gm
Turmeric                                                           a pinch  
Sandalwood powder                                        50 gm


Mix all ingredients and grind them make powder and when you want to apply ubtan add 3 tsp of milk soak it for three hours (full night for best result) and apply on face massage it in circular motion for 15 to 20 minutes.
when you massage this scrub in circular motion it will pull away facial hairs now wash your face with lukewarm water then apply rose water if you have sensitive skin then decrease massage duration for better result apply thrice a week

Khubani Health Benefits

Home made face packs for glowing Skin

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