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Showing posts with label teeth care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth care. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

home remedies for whiter teeth urdu

Home remedies for whiter teeth in urdu

Here is best home remedy for whiter teeth in urdu
home remedies for whiter teeth urdu

Do strawberries whiten teethes? Strawberries for teeth whitener

Do strawberries whiten teethes? Strawberries teeth whitener

Do strawberries whiten teethesDo you know strawberries whiten teethes naturally, yes Strawberries are source of malic acid, which acts as an astringent and helps to remove teeth surface discoloration and yellowness.
People use many products for teeth whitening there are many teeth whitener available in market which may help in teeth whitening or harm you teeth lets give a try to DIY natural home made strawberries teeth whither recipe

Homemade natural Strawberries teeth whitener recipe:-

Strawberries teeth whitenerIngredients:-
Strawberries                 1
Baking soda                 ½ tbsp

Make strawberry pulp by crushing them and add baking soda mix well until it become paste like apply on teethes with the help of soft toothbrush. Leave it for 3-5 minutes after this wash and brush carefully with toothpaste you can apply this teeth whitener once a week. If you have sensitive teethes then apply after 10 day

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Home made tips for teeth whitening

Home made tips for teeth whitening

Yellow teethes are common problem of men and women .yellow teethes look so embarrassing while talking with people. If you want whitening your teethes then you can remove these stains quickly and easily with this simple recipe
Strawberry                                                                   1
Baking soda                                                                 ½ tsp
Mix strawberry and baking soda and mix well then apply on the teeth and wait for 5 minutes then wash off with water.

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