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Showing posts with label Nails Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nails Care. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to take care your Nail Cuticles

How to take care Your Nail Cuticles

Cuticles care is very important because they save you from nails infections and other problems underneath your nails. There are many easy ways to take care of nails to make them physically powerful strong and beautiful.

You should moisturize your nails properly with hands lotion when you rub lotion on to your hands. Moisturizing them daily will help keep nails from cracking and peeling. 
Don't cut your nail cuticles because you may damage them or make any other nail problem so you should apply a cuticle remover to soften them and then use a cuticle pusher to gently push them. 
choose a acetone free nail polish remover always avoid using nail polish remover with acetone Wearing gloves when you are washing dishes this will protect you nails and hands. You should avoid rough, irregular or extra manicures this may damage nails 

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Tips for getting long and strong and healthy Nails

Tips for getting long and strong and healthy Nails
For long nails you need to eat hard-boiled egg and milk to make your nails as well as entire body healthier and stronger.
Massage your nails on daily basis with olive oil this will moisturize your nails which is a must for healthy nails, especially during the winter, when nails are more vulnerable to breakage and massage them regularly.
Massage is very important for nails.You can massage with nail buffer, rapidly massage it backward and forward on the smooth surface of your fingernails. This improves blood flow to the nail bed and promotes growth.
Olive oil massage will enhance the suppleness of the nails and thus prevent cracking and breaking. Massage nails with garlic paste daily it will also nourish nails  


Saturday, 15 June 2013

Nails Art using Net at home


Nail Polish
Glitter or shimmer
First of all apply nail polish on all nails wait until it dry out then cover one nail with net

Then apply glitter on nail 

Repeat this process on all nails and you have done

Friday, 14 June 2013

How to apply whitener on the nails

How to apply whitener on the nails

First of all you need a sticker or cotton cut in nail shape as given below

Now apply whitener on the nails tips like this

Now remove sticker 

Then apply colorless nail polish and you have done this

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Beautiful and classy Nail Art

Beautiful and classy Nail Art 

Chocolate color nail art with whitener 

shocking pink nail paint

Black Nail Art

Fancy Orange Nail Art

Light Pink Nail art with Whitener

Rainbow Nail Art 

Blue Nail Art

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Applying long lasting Nail polish/Nail paint

Applying long lasting Nail polish/Nail paint

Nail polish increase the beauty of nails as well as hands .Nail polish plays an essential role when it moves toward to the beauty care of nails.
It's important to pay attention while applying on your nail polish as it improves beauty of person nails and makes more stylish.
The important points to take care while appling nail polish

  • Firstly apply single coat of nail polish and wait ten minutes to dry it then apply second code and dry it. Nail polish will remain for long time period
  • Select the nail polish you would like to apply and make sure that it is not more than three months older as the out dated nail polishes may damage nails
  • Apply the moisturizer thoroughly to your hands weekly as it will help in increase nails.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Nails Care

Nails Care

Nails are very important in beauty of hands and foots one should take care of nails Save nails from dust, mud, chemicals apply oil on the nails makes them beautiful  

Tips for Nails

  1.  Glycerin for nails

Rose water                                                       1 tbsp
Glycerin                                                            1 tbsp
Mix them and apply on the nails it makes nails shining and smooth
  1. Applying garlic paste on the nails will strengthen nails
  2.  Apply little hot olive oil on the nails and massage nails. it will make nails shinning and strong.

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