Skin polishing treatment procedure at home | Skin polish karnay ka Tarika
Skin polishing is very good for skin related issues like
aging, fine lines, crow lines, wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes. Skin
polish makes face glowing, clear and also help in lightening skin scars and skin
marks. Skin polishing is also used for skin whitening. Skin polishing is a type
of bleaching it lighten colour of facial hairs.
Skin polish also used for treatment of dead cells of skin. It
helps to remove damaged cells layer from the upper part of the skin. Skin
polish makes skin fresh and glowing.
You can do skin polish treatment at home easily with these
Skin polishing products requirement:-
Double action cream
Vitamin E capsules
Soothing lotion
Rose water
Face shiner
Almond oil
Talcum powder
Creamy scrub
Mud mask
Hair band
Apply hair band on head to avoid hairs contact on face.
Massage skin with cleansing milk then Massage 12 to 15 minutes with double
action cream and leave it for 3 minutes after this clean face with sponge.
Next step is application of soothing lotion. Soothing lotion
makes skin ready for polish it also moderate skin. Mix these ingredients in
following ratios
Soothing lotion
1 tbsp
Vitamin E capsules 1
Wella blonder jelly/
1 tbsp
1 pinch
Skin shiner
1 tbsp
Rose water
3 drops
Almond oil
2 drops
Make a paste of
ingredients mentioned above apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes after it
clean your face with rose water soaked sponge leave skin for rest for 3 minutes
then massage with vitamin E capsule it helps skin nourishing and also lighten
skin marks. After it apply scrub on face massage for 5 minutes then apply mud
mask on the face for 20 minutes wait for drying mask after drying remove mask.
At last apply rose water on the face or apply cold cream.