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Showing posts with label exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercises. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Face exercises guide step by step

Face exercises guide step by step

Face exercises are very important these exercises have many benefits for cheeks, double chin, neck, face muscles, jaw muscles, wrinkles and other aging issues.
Face yoga method is oldest way of exercise to relax face and help to reduce other aging problems face has almost 50 muscles and face exercise tighten or firm these muscles which make you younger
Face exercise is also helpful in reducing tension here I am sharing face exercise guide for head forehead, eyes, nose, lips, cheeks and neck

Step by step face exercise guide

Face exercises step by step

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Exercises for getting flat belly/abdomen/tummy

Exercises for getting flat belly/abdomen/tummy 

Flat belly or abdomen is dream of every person women as well as men. You can get flat belly or abdomen with the help of this easy exercise just follow the steps  
Lie on mat on your back, then bend and supports your feet on the land while keeping your knees curved, the trunk rises very slowly while you contract the abdomen, turn up your stretched arms leading them to the knees, it is important to keep your lower back always resting on the floor, bend your head a little toward your chest and down to the starting position. Do these steps 3 repetitions each day.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Belly and Skin Stretch Marks Prevention Remedies

Belly and Skin Stretch Marks prevention remedies

Belly and skin Stretch marks prevention remedies
Giving childbirth completes women life and support to become a happy married couple but it doesn’t mean everything is rosy. Stretch marks are ugly and unattractive outcome of pregnancy. Here I am share some important tips to get ride of stretch marks largely. By this precaution, you can definitely minimize stretch marks.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Women should eat balance diet to save them selves from difficulties extra diet means extra wait which mean extra stretch marks
Check weight gain regularly
Must keep view on your weight extra or less weight is not good consult doctor regularly
Wear supportive cloths
Women should wear supportive cloths so that they mange there body shape. Don’t think that these cloths are for short period think about you
Moisturize your skin properly and daily 
It’s very important to moisturize skin and belly it will save you from stretch marks. Massage skin with vitamin e, lotion or with moisturizing creams. Apply shea butter or coca butter twice a day during pregnancy after child birth you will see no stretch marks
Exercise daily
Exercising will help to make you in good health exercise will also reduce your labor pain and stretch marks. Daily exercise will make skin elastic and firm.

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Home made face packs for glowing Skin

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