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Showing posts with label Shampoo &Conditioner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shampoo &Conditioner. Show all posts

Friday, 30 August 2013

Best Home made Conditioners for hair

Best Home made Conditioners for hair

Conditioner 1
Honey                            3 tsp
Olive oil                          4tsp
Mix applies on the hair and wash after 30 minutes its best hair conditioner

Conditioner 2
Papaya                            1 medium
Yogurt                             ½ cup
Mash papaya and mix with yogurt and apply on the hairs for 40 minutes
It is amazing conditioner for split ends
Conditioner 3
 Egg            1
 Curd           ½  cup
 Mayonnaise      ½  cup


Beat eggs thoroughly until it gives frothy look. Then add the curd and mayonnaise thoroughly then apply this mixture to your hair and cover it for half an hour and then rinse it with the help of gentle shampoo. use cold water for better results.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Egg and curd hair mask

Egg and curd hair mask


 Egg            1
 Curd           ½  cup
 Mayonnaise      ½  cup


Beat eggs thoroughly until it gives frothy look. Then add the curd and mayonnaise thoroughly then apply this mixture to your hair and cover it for half an hour and then rinse it with the help of gentle shampoo. use cold water for better results.

Excellent Homemade Hair Mask

Excellent Homemade Hair Mask

This mask is used to improve your hair condition as it contains olive oil which is very useful for hair growth and conditioning.


Eggs                            2

Olive oil                        5 tbsp


Mix ingredients thoroughly and then apply this mixture on your hair. Wrap your hairs with shower cap and leave it for 18 minutes. And then wash your hair with water. It will be very beneficial.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

How to choose shampoo and hair conditioner for oily, dry and normal hair

How to choose shampoo and hair conditioner for oily, dry and normal hair

It’s very important to choose best quality shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Here are some tips which will help you to choose good quality shampoo and hair conditioner for oily, dry and normal hair
Firstly don’t choose shampoo on the advertisement base only check is it good for you and suits you or not
  • Dry and untamed hair
 For dry and untamed hair are questing for satisfy thirst of moisture. Creamy shampoo will be a good choice. And regular conditioner will be an absolute choice for dry hair. You can repair any hair damage by using ultra-moisturizing conditioner.
  • Curly hair
For curly and  fold up rude hair needs treatment of Shea butter, seed oil and nut oil which are blessed to kick off dryness. Ultra conditioning moisturizer will be good for such hair.
  • Oily and normal hair
Oily and fine hair should avoid creamy shampoo and conditioner. Check out ‘Panthenol’ ingredient in shampoo for improving thickness of your hair fiber. Spray conditioner or mild conditioner would be a sensible choice to prevent your scalp from any damage.
  • Oily scalps and dry ends hair or processed hair

 Processed hair is hairs which have oily scalp and dry ends. Factually, supply moisture to hair ends and provide cleansing to shaft. Ordinary shampoo is commendable to be used once in week on such hair. Avoid ‘silicone’ containing conditioners as they discolour your natural hair colour. 

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