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Sunday, 13 August 2017

Neera-Palm Nectar as Body Cooling Drink Health Benefits

Neera-Palm Nectar as Body Cooling Drink Health Benefits

Neera Cooling Drink
Have you ever tried The Neera (Palm nectar, sweet and translucent drink) which has many health benefits? The drink is natural body coolant mostly used in countries like India, Sri-lanka, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia. 

This is one of the non-alcoholic drinks produced by tapping coconut palm, palmyra palm or other palms. It has high nutritional value. A cut is made on the covers of these palms and the liquid that comes out is collected in earthenware pots overnight.

After Neera is collected, it is filtered in order to remove extra particles. Then it is pasteurized, chilled and stored at cool temperatures. The drink is it is very susceptible to fermentation within a few hours of extraction therefore extraction of drink is usually done before sunrise. Neera is also used to make several products such as sweeteners, jaggery, concentrated syrup etc. The shelf life of Neera drink at room temperature is nearly months while it can be stored for about 4 to 6 months.NEERA

Health Benefits of Neera Drink

  • The Neera drink is very useful for curing liver diseases. It is particularly helpful in treating liver diseases following consumption of alcohol. The medical property of Neera to remove “acetaldehyde” (the toxic metabolic product of ethanol causing liver damage)
  • Neera keeps your body hydrated while the nutrients in it nourishes your body and boosts the activity of liver functioning.
  • It is used for diabetic patients sweetening products gives the same sweetness without causing spikes in blood sugar level compared to the traditional sweetening agents.
  • It is also helpful in preventing many diseases like obesity, cardiovascular diseases and even cancers of the breast, colon, pancreas and prostate.
  • It is also helpful for treating medical conditions like tuberculosis, urinary tract infections and asthma. The drink keeps you energetic and refreshed.
  • The drink is excellent for curing kidney stones as wells as urinary problems.
  • Neera drink reduces high cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Neera is a good skin and hair it has antioxidant properties and therefore exhibits anti-aging properties.
  • It is anti oxidant, detoxifying health drink which treats iron and zinc deficiency and cures anaemias
  • Neera is rich source of glutamic acid, which is an amino acid used by your body to build proteins. This amino acid is one of the most common neuro transmitters in the nervous system.
  • The drink boosts immune system and helps your body fight against various diseases.
  • It lowers the blood pressure as it is source of potassium
  • It is high in inositol, a naturally occurring nutrient, which is essential for hair growth and it also helps prevents hair fall and baldness to a great extent.
  • The drink is beneficial for treating eczema, eye abnormalities, etc. It is also associated with the regulation of enzyme activity, nerve transmission, and transportation of fats within the body. 
Nutritional value of Neera

Nutritional value of Neera

Neera is rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other minerals.  It has also important vitamins e.g. Vitamin B complex, Vitamin A and Vitamin C(ascorbic acid). About 100 ml of Neera provides 75 calories of energy and 250 mg of proteins.  please also visit nutridoor

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Tulsi ky faiday or Benefits Urdu Hindi

Tulsi ky Faiday or Benefits Urdu Hindi

Are you searching for Tulsi herb, it benefits or side effects (tulsi k faidy aur nuksanat ), tulsi for hair, skin, weight loss, cancer, acne, benefits for women and men in Urdu and Hindi. I am sharing a detail post about health benefits of tulsi and its nutrient value in Urdu.
tulsi benefits in urdu tulsi ky faiday

Tulsi Benefits for Acne in Urdu 

Tulsi for treating acne in urdu hindi

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Curry leaves health benefits in Urdu Hindi

Curry leaves health benefits in Urdu Hindi

Curry leaves benefits in Urdu
Curry leaves are commonly known as  kari patta or Kadi Patta  in Urdu and Hindi. 

Curry leaves has lots of health benefits for curing digestive system,sugar,eye issues,weight loss, hair and skin issues. etc. Curry leaves are well-known for its sweet-smelling essence therefore used in many Asian dishes. In south India and Pakistan Curry leaves are known as sweet neem leaves. Curry leaves are good source of proteins, iron, carbohydrates, fibers, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C. 

Here are few benefits and nutrition value of Curry Leaf in Urdu

Nutrition value of Curry Leaf in Urdu 

nutrition value of Curry Leaf in Urdu

Kadi Patta benefits for hair growth and premature greying

Kadi Patta benefits for hair growth and premature greying

Kadi patta benefits for hair
Curry leaves which are also known as Kadi Patta or Curry leaves has lots of benefits for hair growth e.g. long, strong, healthy and shining etc. Curry leaves are also famous for its aromatic flavor and part of many Asian dishes. In India and Pakistan Curry leaves are commonly known as Kadi Patta, Curry Patta or sweet neem leaves. 

A Curry leaf contains iron, calcium, vitamin C and phosphorus. Kadi leaves are also high in proteins, carbohydrates and fibers. Curry leaves are high in beta carotenes that is highly beneficial for hair since the hair strands are also made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins.

Do you know how Curry Patta can help us in darkening the white or grey hair and hair growth? Be happy this post is dedicated to share how we can use the Curry leaves for hair issues and problems and how we can get rid of premature grey hair.

Using Curry leaves for treating premature greys/white hair

If you are worried because of hair whitening then Kadi Patta is natural remedy to cure premature greying of hair or hair whitening. Teenagers are also facing hair whitening these days due to stress unhealthy diet and pollution etc. Here I am sharing a amazing home remedy to avoid the hair whitening naturally.

Kadi patta or curry leaf hair masks and benefitsTake fresh leaves ¼ cup or if you are taking dried leaves make their powder. Get ¼ cup of almond oil and ¼ cup of mustard oil and add powder of one fourth cup of dried kari Patta or fresh Curry leaves in oil. Cook it on low flam for 15 minutes. Make sure oil should not be turned black. Now cool down the warm oil. Strain the oil and store in a glass or plastic bottle. Use it minimum thrice a week to get rid of the hair loss. Massage the scalp and hair and leave it overnight. Wash the hair in the morning with mild shampoo. Warm up the oil before every use so oil may absorbed into the scalp deeply and easily.

Also see lots of hair masks to get rid of hair whitening 13-home-remedies-for-gray-hair-treatment

Use of Curry leaves / Kadi Patta for hair growth

Curry leaves can improve hair growth and make them healthier and shining. It is also used to avoid hair loss. These leaves are rich source of Vitamin B, which is good for the hair roots. It helps in the growth of new healthier, stronger and denser hairs. Here I am sharing a wonderful hair tonic recipe which is definitely excellent home remedy to avoid the hair loss and excellent hair growth. It has the vital component which enhances hair growth and minimizes the hair fall.Take half cup of Curry Patta and cup of coconut oil. Add Curry leaves in coconut oil and cook it on low flam for 20 to 25 minutes. Make sure oil should not be turned black. Now cool down the oil. Strain this oil and preserve it in a glass jar. You can use it daily or minimum thrice a week to get rid of the hair loss. This oil will not only help you to cure hair fall but also faster the hair growth. You can use this oil every night and take shower in the morning.
Also see onoion for hair growth  Use onion juice for hair growth

Kadi Patta or Curry leaves hair Mask

In this modern era of glamour and fashion hair beauty has been focused with various hair brands, shampoos, oils, Conditioners and hair masks. Hair mask plays an essential role for maintaining hair healthy, attractive, shining smooth, healthy and stronger hair. Curry leaves has multiple benefits and its hair mask not only make the hair attractive, shining smooth, healthy and stronger but also prevents the premature greying of hair.
Mix powder of Curry leaves, Shikakai powder and Amla powder in equal amount combination should be about 1 cup. Soak this powder in 1 and half cups of water and boil it for 10 minutes. Let this be cool down and mix properly with the hands. Apply this mask on hair scalp and hair like other hair pack. Leave for one to one and half hour and wash off simply with normal water.

Use of Curry leaves Kadi Patta for hair shining, Smooth and stronger

 If you have frizzy and damaged hair and searching for hair rejuvenater or revitalizer to makes the hair shining, smooth and stronger then Kadi Patta or Curry leaves is best option for nourishing dry and damaged hair. Take some Curry leaves and boil them until water remains half. Let it cool. Use this water to rinse the hair after the shampoo. This will add shine and strengthen the hair. Washing hair with this water will not only cure split ends, dry and damage hair but also nourish and make them shinning, smooth and healthier.

Using curry leaves for treating hair whiteningCurry leaves for treating dandruff:

As we know Curry leaves are excellent product for promoting hair growth and treating hair fall. Curry leaves also cure dandruff. Curry leaves are rich source of anti-oxidants. They keep hair scalp moisturized and helps to get rid of dead scalp follicles which are primary cause of dandruff. Just grind fresh Curry leaves with fresh milk and make smooth paste. Apply this hair pack and wait for half hour after that washing it off with simple water. You can use this hair pack regularly for preventing dandruff.

Other uses of Kadi Patta:

Curry leaves are used in many asian dishes to add flavour. Curry leaves has aromatic characteristic properties, therefore plant has uses in spas and health clinics as facial products, soap making, perfumes, body lotions, aromatherapy, scent, body fragrance, air fresheners,  bath and massage oils and hair treatments

you may also check hair growth using onion juice in urdu

For Curry leaves benefits in Urdu click on the link

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Khushk Jild k liye Totkay and tips in Urdu

Khushk Jild k liye Totkay and tips in Urdu

Dry skin is issue that can damage skin badly and made rashes on are few tips for dry skin in Urdu and Hindi
Khushk Jild k liye Totkay and tips


Khubani Health Benefits

Home made face packs for glowing Skin

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